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HomeNewsProvincialNon-profit network for all of B.C. to be developed

Non-profit network for all of B.C. to be developed

The province is hiring a non-profit firm to help other non-profits connect with each other, and government services.

The province says that Vantage Point in Vancouver will develop a network in the hopes of improving access for all non-profits in the province to health support, housing and food security.

Parliamentary secretary for community development and non-profits Megan Dykeman says non-profit organizations are vital to both people and their communities.

“That is why we are supporting Vantage Point to develop B.C.’s provincial non-profit network so together they can deliver even better services for people than before,” said Dykeman.

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Through a $650,000 investment from the province, Vantage Point will do research and data sharing on the current sector, where they plan on putting together a committee to set up a governance model and priorities for the network.

They hope to address ongoing issues with the sector through this committee.

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