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HomeNewsProvincialPremier, minister and health officer issue statement on toxic drug health emergency

Premier, minister and health officer issue statement on toxic drug health emergency

Today marks the eighth anniversary of the toxic drug public-health emergency, and the province recognizes its tragic impact.

That comes from Premier David Eby in a statement this morning, saying every life taken by the toxic drug crisis is a loss to our communities.

“They are friends, parents, siblings and children. To the families, friends and loved ones: we see you, we stand with you, and we share in your pain,” said Eby.

“We must also recognize that this crisis has impacts beyond the tragic loss of life. From families and friends to mental-health and front-line workers, there are scores of people who have had to bear witness to the damage done to lives and communities from addiction and drug poisonings.”

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This statement comes as more than 14,000 people have died since the emergency was declared, with Eby saying the government aims to build a more connected system of mental health and addictions care for those in need.

This includes expanding access to new approaches to healing and recovery.

Minister of Mental Health and Addictions Jennifer Whiteside says the crisis affects everyone.

“It is vital that we come together and offer support to those in pain,” said Whiteside.

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Provincial health officer Dr. Bonnie Henry says when it comes to recovery, it is a complex journey.

“People who use drugs come from all walks of life in all parts of this province,” said Henry. “That diversity is also reflected in why people use drugs in the first place. For many, it is to deal with pain, physical, emotional and psychological pain often stemming from previous trauma.”

Eby closes by saying that we are stronger when working together, with hopes of ending the crisis.

For where you can read the statement, click here.

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