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HomeNewsComox ValleyBC United announces new candidate for Courtenay-Comox riding

BC United announces new candidate for Courtenay-Comox riding

BC United has officially announced a new candidate for the Courtenay-Comox riding ahead of the upcoming provincial election.

Bill Coltart, a Comox Valley resident, is the party’s candidate, where they say he brings a lot of experience in public service and entrepreneurship.

Coltart served as a paramedic with the BC Ambulance Service for 30 years, working in both the Comox Valley and Metro Vancouver. Along with being a paramedic, he started his first business at 21 years old, where he and his wife operate successful businesses in the Valley’s marine, tourism, and real estate sectors.

BC United leader Kevin Falcon says Coltart’s experience makes him a strong candidate for the riding.

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“His passion for service and first-hand experience in the health care system as a paramedic, will make him an invaluable asset to BC United’s team as we work fix the crises in health care, cost-of living and public safety,” said Falcon.

Coltart says he’s honoured to be a candidate for the riding, and is looking forward to address the issues affecting residents.

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