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HomeNewsComox ValleyCumberland shed fire resulted in the death of one dog

Cumberland shed fire resulted in the death of one dog

A recent fire in Cumberland resulted in the death of one dog.

According to Cumberland Fire Rescue Fire Chief Mike Williamson, they got a call at 6:30 a.m. on Thursday of a shed being on fire at Nikkei Place. When they arrived, they discovered it was a big shed with a fully involved fire.

Williamson said 2 firetrucks and 12 firefighters arrived at the scene.

“We have a master stream which knocked the fire down right away, but there is still a lot of work to do in a large shed like that,” said Williamson.

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“There was also the exposure outside the shed, so we concentrated mostly on protecting the residents at that point because the shed was a loss. We had a good knockdown for 30 minutes, and then we were there for another 4 hours just doing hotspots and clean-up.”

Williamson says while the homeowners just barely made it out with no injuries, there was a dog inside of the shed.

“They tried to go back for the dog, but the dog ran and hid,” said Williamson. “It was too involved and too unsafe of a structure that at that point to go in and do any kind of rescue or search.”

He adds they have yet to figure out what caused the fire in the first place.

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