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To Use Equipment or Not

Bodynetix does not skimp on the equipment! They have a tons of dumbbells, kettlebells, giant tires (for flipping), Punching bags, bikes, pads, and everything...

Measuring Progress Can Work Against Your Progress

Progress is a funny thing. You need to measure it to see what’s the most effective but focusing on one metric… one way of...

Lifestyle Changes – How I Realized I Was Living a Healthier Life.

Full disclosure, I was leading a very unhealthy life before I started going to Bodynetix. Regularly eating greasy fast food because it was so...

Bring Your Friends! It Makes it Easier!

When it comes to starting a new fitness journey, or adding more activity to your life, it’s REALLY hard to do it on your...

A Short Time – Noticeable Results!

My time at Bodynetix has not been long, in the grand scheme of things. But in that short time (just over a month at...
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